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Direct Coupling in Literature: A Review

智慧芽 | 2023-05-18 |

Direct Coupling in Literature: A Review

  The study of direct coupling in literature has been gaining attention among scholars in recent years. Direct coupling refers to the connection observed between one character and another character or the plot. This type of coupling can occur in various forms, including similarity, proximity, and causality.

  One of the most notable examples of direct coupling in literature is the relationship between Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson in Arthur Conan Doyle’s “Sherlock Holmes” series. The two characters are often observed working together, and their partnership is often used as an example of the benefits of collaboration and teamwork.

  In addition to the coupling between characters, direct coupling can also occur between plot events. For instance, the outcome of one event can directly influence the outcome of another event. An example of this type of coupling can be seen in William Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet,” where the events leading to the death of Mercutio and Tybalt directly influence the outcome of the final scene.

  Direct coupling can also be used to expose or deepen the theme of a work of literature. In Franz Kafka’s “The Metamorphosis,” the protagonist’s transformation into a bug can be seen as an example of how society attempts to control and limit individuals. The direct coupling between the character’s transformation and his family’s rejection of him highlights this theme.

  The study of direct coupling in literature can provide valuable insights into the structure and meaning of literary works. By analyzing the relationships between characters and plot events, scholars can better understand the motivations and behaviors of characters, as well as the themes and messages of the work.

  However, it is important to note that direct coupling is not the only form of coupling in literature. Indirect coupling, such as symbolism and foreshadowing, can also play a significant role in the structure and meaning of literary works.

  In conclusion, direct coupling in literature is a powerful tool for analyzing the relationships between characters and plot events, as well as the themes and meaning of a work of literature. By examining these connections, scholars can gain a deeper understanding of the work and its significance.


  人工智能(Artificial Intelligence, AI)是指通过计算机技术和算法模拟人类智力行为的信息处理系统。医学诊断是一项非常重要的医疗工作,其精确的结果可以对患者的治疗和生命产生决定性的影响。如今,人工智能技术在医学领域的应用越来越广泛,并发挥了越来越大的作用。本篇文章将会探讨人工智能用于医学诊断的发展及应用。


  1. 早期研究成果

  早在1974年,计算机科学家Myron Levin开发了第一款医学专用的人工智能计算机程序DIALOG,该程序利用大量医学知识进行患者诊断和治疗建议,成为当时的重要突破。1984年,另一位计算机科学家Bruce Buchanan, 对DIALOG进行升级并创建了MYCIN,一个旨在帮助医生诊断细菌感染和应用药物治疗的人工智能计算机程序。MYCIN程序的人工智能算法让它能够进行决策,如推理和诊断,这一创新性的设计标志着人工智能技术在医学领域的正式入门。

  2. 深度学习技术的兴起


  3. 医学类人工智能企业的崛起



  1. 图像类医学诊断



  2. 中医类医学诊断


  3. 预测性医学诊断




  1. 数据保护和隐私问题


  2. 诊断结果的透明度




